The Captain is mine. Give him to me. What have the Federation to do with a man’s cub?
The Captain is mine. Give him to me. What have the Federation to do with a man’s cub?
The Captain is mine. Give him to me. What have the Federation to do with a man’s cub?
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Someone needs to tell Morloo to shut up.
Morloo just won't stop singing!
Koala forgive me.
Buzzie : Hey, Flaps, what we gonna do?
Flaps : I don't know. What you wanna do?
Ziggy : I've got it! Let's flap over to the east side of the jungle. They've always got a bit of Ketracel White, a bit of a swingin' scene, all right.
Buzzie : Aw, come off it. Things are right dead all over.
Ziggy : You mean you wish they were.
[all laugh]
Dizzy : [serious] Very funny.