ERROR: object '/home/peafield/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
But I'm not even sure what this points to now.
Can anyone help? Or is anyone going through something similar with a similar set up?
EDIT: The solution, as many of you suggested, was to just change distros. I'd heard good things about Fedora so I tried it and everything ran first time with no tweaking! Thank you everyone for the advice.
I think I recall having issues with Proton Experimental.
I think I am using the last stable Proton 8.something.
Tried the last GE-Proton as well but also had some issues.
Another thing, I think during the first launch, some Directx installs did fail or took long and I killed the processes.
Though, the game always started fine for me, and I disabled the Launcher at the first occasion, now all is good.
Also, I had some other issues with Steam lately, and I tried the Beta version of the client, all my issues are fixed, you could try that as well.
I think this is exactly the issue I'm having. The launcher is failing to launch. How did you get around this and kill the launcher and just start the game?
I don't exactly remember, but I know that I had the launcher running for the first times, and in it, I disabled it so the game launches right away.
One thing I had in a different game, was a edge process (certainly to fetch news or something) that failed and that was the process I had to kill so I could see the launcher.
I use btop in the terminal to show processes and I filter with the approximate name of the process I want.
If you don't know the executable name, you can filter steam and it'll show steam and the sub-processes that are running.
From there, you can simply select edgeUpdate ( I think that was that) or DirectXInstall (both used to cause me problem when launching games for the first time) and use the kill button and see if the game launches.