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Daily Discussion Thread - 31 August 2023


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  • On this day Mikel and Per joined the team, and the rest is history.

    Do we think there will be any more outgoings today and tomorrow?

    • Outgoings yea, incomings is what I'm thinking about. I doubt the likes of Cedric would be happy completely not playing for a few months. I think Holding will head to Spain, we'll sort something out for Lokonga, Tavares will officially leave, and Pepe will take a few more days. Cedric is anyone's guess cuz I've not heard anyone interested. Okonkwo I hope gets one for his sake, and Elneny will stay. That's what I think at least.

      • I won't get to know until it's almost over cuz of my flight though 😅 heading to the airport rn

        • Have a safe flight! Hope we have some good transfer news for you when you get some internet. Haha.

          • EXCL: HERE WE GO! Arsenal have agreed the transfer of Musiala from Bayern Munich. Understand fee set to be 30 mil, rising to 50 mil following addons.

            I had no fucking idea who to even jokingly suggest here and got stuck on it for several minutes lol, gimme a defender tho please gaffer

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