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Gay doctor flees Louisiana due to anti-LGBTQ+ laws: ‘I don’t have a choice’ Gay doctor flees Louisiana due to anti-LGBTQ+ laws: 'I don't have a choice'

A gay doctor who is one of Louisiana's only specialist paediatric cardiologists has fled the state due to recent anti-LGBTQ+ legislation.

Gay doctor flees Louisiana due to anti-LGBTQ+ laws: 'I don't have a choice'

A gay doctor who is one of Louisiana’s only specialist paediatric cardiologists has left the state after the introduction of a Don’t Say Gay copycat bill and a ban on gender-affirming care for trans youth.

Jake Kleinmahon, who was one of just three doctors specialising in heart transplants for children in Louisiana, chose to leave the state with his family, as they no longer felt safe.

Kleinmahon met and fell in love with his husband Tom in New Orleans, and the couple expected remain in Louisiana, even after retirement. However, he told CNN that the state’s anti-LGBTQ+ legislation made him and his family feel unwelcome and that he ultimately “didn’t have a choice”.


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  • So is pedophilia a sexuality?

    And that’s a much smaller percentage than so-called heterosexual pedophiles, so why aren’t you worried about heterosexual doctors?

    Are you pretending to be stupid or don't you really understand probability statistics?

    • Yes. Pedophilia is a sexuality, and if you insult me again, I will block you.

      • So one is born a pedophile? Typically your crowd claims people are born with their sexualities, and they cannot be changed.

        • What is my crowd?

          • Pro-lgbt crowd. So is one born a pedophile and is sexuality something that cannot change?

            • I'm not "pro-LGBT," I'm pro human rights and human dignity. That applies to everyone regardless of their sexuality.

              And yes, some pedophiles are born that way. Others are very psychologically damaged due to the abuse they themselves suffered. Still others just enjoy having power over an innocent and it's not even about sex. The world is not as black-and-white as you seem to think it is where all gay men are pedophiles and all straight men love and protect children.

              • I’m not “pro-LGBT,” I’m pro human rights and human dignity. That applies to everyone regardless of their sexuality.

                Call it what you want, but you're clearly pro-lgbt.

                And yes, some pedophiles are born that way. Others are very psychologically damaged due to the abuse they themselves suffered. Still others just enjoy having power over an innocent and it’s not even about sex.

                So is sexuality an unchangeable and inborn trait or not? If one can become a pedophile, can one also become homosexual or heterosexual?

                • You're trying to change the subject from your ludicrous insinuation that all gay men are pedophiles. I'm not going to indulge you.

                  • I never claimed all gay men are pedophiles, rather that they're more likely to be, which is supported by statistics.

                    Why do you keep dodging the question? You claim pedophilia is a sexuality, and that one isn't necessarily born a pedophile and can instead become one. So does this apply to other sexualities too? If not, why?

                • Pedophile is a disease. It's very likely that they are born with it. There is a case of a person with pedophilia which was caused by a brain tumor. Once the brain tumor was removed, the pedophilia was "cured".

                  I believe that homo and heterosexuality is determined by birth, even if it's not, I respect everyone's sexuality/ preference as long as they don't harm other people. Pedophilia is another case. The act of pedophilia is hurting the vulnerable children.

                  • I haven't heard that theory before, unfortunately there is no evidence for the claim.

                    I believe that homo and heterosexuality is determined by birth, even if it’s not, I respect everyone’s sexuality/ preference as long as they don’t harm other people.

                    And with this logic we run into a problem. If everything goes with the restriction of "as long as it doesn't harm anyone", ought non-reproductive incest be tolerated? What about pedophilia in cases where the child is over the age of consent (which is quite low in some countries)? What about bestiality with large enough animals so no damage is done?

                    Your logic dictates that all of these behaviours should not only be tolerated, but respected.

    • 79% of male convicted pedophiles in the US are heterosexual. That's a much higher number.

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