Well I am feeling more lost again with this post. Discovered 4 months ago Asperger Syndrom from someone that had it talking about it online and I found their words surprisingly near me. Went on a trip online curious and read about it, felt more lost because not everything written is present but a lot is there. Decided to look on Reddit. Did the Raads-r test seriously, got a 131. But papers online say it's effective but finds some false positives. So I did the Clinical Partners Adult Autism Test and the results where strongly positive. Did the recommended Aspi-Quiz, and I got a 150 on 200 for broader autism. I'll be moving very very soon and taking rendez-vous with a specialist would take too long, so I am in a grey zones. Posts like that make me feel like maybe I could get an answer, and maybe learn more about myself, even if it's a "Well no you are not, you are just simply different" or a "Here, there is a word for what you feel you are living, go learn about it". But reading comments remind me simply I'm just there floating in ignorance for now, and a bit feeling lost about how I work, or think I work