Does the HP game actually do anything... interesting? I saw footage of it and the whole time they were just inside the school or in some backwoods. I would like to terrorize people in the city with my magic spells, create money from thin air, and get sponsored by the shadow government
Thoughts on a game (that wasn't TERF shit) where you still put down a slave rebellion, but they full on lean into being a neoliberal ghoul? You can get sponsored by the shadow government for unlimited currency, you can instigate wars off of false pretenses, you can empower landlords for rep with your shadow faction, you have missions to extract slaves and resources from other countries, etc. Would you play it?
Alternatively, you could put down 3 landlord rebellions, resist european colonialism by pulling an arms industry out of your ass, and wage fifteen world wars against America alongside your trusty allies communist Britain and Germany, like I did.