This was my dad. He's used Linux since 1998. Needless to say I have always run Fedora.
Don't you call him M'dad?
No kids here, but running Linux since '95 (Debian since '96). My wife runs Linux as well, since the previous laptop was bought in '11. (As long as it runs LibreOffice and firefox, she is ok with anything) That laptop got replaced in '22 as the hardware became unstable. (Again running Debian)
On a side note, my small laptop still has the windows 10 that came with it in a quiet corner... from time to time, it's still needed to rescue Samsung phones from the junk Samsungs dumps on it. (Although, there seems to be an Odin for Linux...) Oh, and to de-drm my ebooks. (I don't care what the sellers of those books think, I bought the ebook, I read it on the reader I prefer)
Although, there seems to be an Odin for Linuxβ¦
But that's only a theoretical construct and rarely working well. Indeed my Windows WM was booted exactly once in years... to get an old broken S7E running again.
Does he have an decade old ThinkPad with barebone arch by any chance?
No, he's gone back on himself and runs Linux in a VM on a Windows work laptop now. I don't understand it
The role is reversed now but i am guessing they didn't allow linux so that's the only way for him to use it?
Yeah that's probably it