Nice morning for a walk here. Saw someone driving down the street with their food on the roof of the car. Couldn't get their attention though. Maybe they will get lucky, or maybe it's a good day for takeaway?
Monday mornings! Why do we even bother, we should have working hours distributed across the week in a bell shape, starting later on Mondays and finishing earlier on Fridays.
This was basically me at one of my previous companies - we had flexible hours, so we could start late on a Monday and finish early on a Friday - and most of us did. Boss was cool with it as long as we got our 40 hrs in at some point in the week.
This is actually me now. I have very flexible hours. I generally work from home 8 hours each day between 7am and 6pm. I make sure I get to all my meetings, but otherwise, if I want to go spend an hour doing a lemmy upgrade or trying to figure out why the site keeps dying each night (seems to be fixed!) then I just do it.
Why I have this flexibility but still choose to start work at 7am on Monday, I'll never understand.