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Florida bans driver's licenses of immigrants living in US illegally Florida bans driver's licenses of immigrants living in US illegally

Florida will no longer accept driver's licenses issued by some other U.S. states to immigrants living in the country illegally under a law signed by Governor Ron DeSantis as he seeks the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Florida bans driver's licenses of immigrants living in US illegally

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  • I think this is a reasonable thing.

    • You feel Florida being able to unilaterally dictate validity of state documents is okay?

      Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

      — Article IV Section 1 US Constitution

      [The Congress shall have Power] To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes

      — Article I Section 8 Clause 3 US Constitution

      Florida doesn't seem to have authority to just unilaterally dictate these things. It would seem that they must work with Congress to implement such regulation. The entire point the framers of the Constitution placed on the State system in Article IV of the Constitution is to:

      1. Protect their rights to regulate their citizens
      2. Prevent the abuse of them regulating other State citizens.

      Florida's move to attempt to apply some pressure to citizens from other states is a direct violation of the core ethos that the framers of this nation wanted to have. If Florida wants to regulate Floridians into a fine mushy pulp, that is Florida's prerogative. Additionally, if Florida wants to prosecute someone from another State for violation of a law that Florida has, that's fine too. Where the line is crossed is when in the carriage of enforcing that law, it requires Florida to openly question another State's issuing documents. That is the violation.

      Florida MUST work with Congress to implement the requirements for this framework that they have set up to function. Florida has not done so, they have forgone coming to the table to discuss the issue with the various States and decided to act in a unilateral manner. I get they want to clamp down on immigration, they must do so according to the laws that are set forth and must do so in good faith with the other States. This is neither.

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