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This is Moomin. He got attacked by another dog while having epileptic seizure. 🐾 Nordic Husky Farm 🐾 on Instagram: "MOOMIN’S LIFESAVING EMERGENCY SURGERY As you may know from our highlighted stories, our sweet boy Moomin sustained a life threatening injury that required immediate surgery and hospitalization in intensive care for several days, as well as blood and plasma transfusion. Many of you have reached out to ask how is he doing and to send love, prayers and healing thoughts as well as financial contribution so we are posting here an update, including our plee for help. What an ordeal the last days have been! Our brave boy is battling on - he won the first battle and climbed the first mountains of challenges but he pulled through after the surgery that took place on thursday and blood and plasma transfusion on friday and we were able to finally take him home on Sunday. He is still super fragile and we have to care for him quite intensively plus monitor a lot of things. The next 2 weeks will be still quite critical. He is eating with apetite of a hungry wolf and uses his injured leg partially because it is quite painful and there is a large build up of edema, and we are working on that quite intensively.💪🐾 Your prayers and good vibes have worked and it is with deep gratitude that we say thank you, keep sending them to Moomin, please! 🙌🙏 The other extremely stressful factor of this entire situation is the bill that we will know the exact sum of tomorrow, but on Sunday it stood at whopping 108.000 SEK (about $10.000 or €9.000) which does not include medication during recovery at home (on Sunday we left 800kr at the pharmacy just for few meds), and post surgery check up. This is all assuming that all will continue going well and he will not require any extra care or treatment. If there is any way anyone can help us either with a donation (even 5 euro keeps us moving toward the goal), sharing this post, or an idea for fundraiser (including help with administering/running any kind of fundraiser), we would appreciate it beyond measure 🙏❤️🐾 DONATION OPTIONS AND LINKS are written in comments bellow and can be also found in link on our profile 🙌"

59 likes, 4 comments - nordichuskyfarm on September 19, 2023: "MOOMIN’S LIFESAVING EMERGENCY SURGERY As you may know from our highlighted stories, our sweet..."

🐾 Nordic Husky Farm 🐾 on Instagram: "MOOMIN’S LIFESAVING EMERGENCY SURGERY 

As you may know from our highlighted stories, our sweet boy Moomin sustained a life threatening injury that required immediate surgery and hospitalization in intensive care for several days, as well as blood and plasma transfusion. 

Many of you have reached out to ask how is he doing and to send love, prayers and healing thoughts as well as financial contribution so we are posting here an update, including our plee for help. 

What an ordeal the last days have been!

Our brave boy is battling on - he won the first battle and climbed the first mountains of challenges but he pulled through after the surgery that took place on thursday and blood and plasma transfusion on friday and we were able to finally take him home on Sunday. 
He is still super fragile and we have to care for him quite intensively plus monitor a lot of things. The next 2 weeks will be still quite critical. He is eating with apetite of a hungry wolf and uses his injured leg partially because it is quite painful and there is a large build up of edema, and we are working on that quite intensively.💪🐾

Your prayers and good vibes have worked and it is with deep gratitude that we say thank you, keep sending them to Moomin, please! 🙌🙏

The other extremely stressful factor of this entire situation is the bill that we will know the exact sum of tomorrow, but on Sunday it stood at whopping 108.000 SEK (about $10.000 or €9.000) which does not include medication during recovery at home (on Sunday we left 800kr at the pharmacy just for few meds), and post surgery check up. This is all assuming that all will continue going well and he will not require any extra care or treatment.
If there is any way anyone can help us either with a donation (even 5 euro keeps us moving toward the goal), sharing this post, or an idea for fundraiser (including help with administering/running any kind of fundraiser), we would appreciate it beyond measure 🙏❤️🐾
DONATION OPTIONS AND LINKS are written in comments bellow and can be also found in link on our profile 🙌"

We heard noise and rushed there, but he was already pretty bitten in his belly. We directly hopped into a car and drove to the nearest vet hospital. He had a huge surgery, blood & plasma transfusions. He is much better now and can walk almost normally. The total bill until today was over 9.600Eur, so we started a little fundraiser. Even if we are broke now, we can't say no when our dogs need vet care.


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  • I'm sorry, but why don't you have insurance? You have a husky without insurance? Are you insane?

    • You still have to pay even with insurance. At least that’s how it works where I live.

      I’ve a stellar insurance for my boy, but should something happen I have to pay 15% of the total cost. That could still end up quite the sum, particularly if the cost goes above the insurance limit.

      Vetcare is expensive. When having his teeth cleaned earlier this year I paid €900, and a good €500 of that was just sedation.

      • Theres insurance for your pets? That's new to me

        • Yeah! No idea about where you live, but here in Sweden there is at least. Vet costs can get really high, so you need to have an insurance to help cover it, provided you're not hella rich that is. My old boss' daughter got a french bulldog that developed hip problems as a puppy, they could fix it surgically and I think the entire thing ended up costing around $20k, including rehab, meds, and surgery. Insurance covered most of that, but I think they still had to pay around $4k out of pocket.

          Looking at the post again, and reading the description, the people are in Sweden, and 108k doesn't strike me as particularly outlandish for the damage incurred. If they are touting having to pay this amount they likely don't have insurance. They seem to run a dog sledding business up in Jämtland. Thus they likely have a lot of dogs, but I don't see why that's a reason to not insure them. I know people that have a lot of horses as a hobby yet have every single horse insured.

          I'm of the opinion that if you can't afford insurance for your pet, then you can't afford your pet. It's a basic necessity, like food. Paying 900SEK a month for insurance is a lot cheaper than having to pay 108000SEK for not having it, when accident strikes. Plus, most insurance companies give you a bulk discount.

          I grew up poor. I had a cat whom I really loved, and towards the end of his days his organs started failing, I suspect this is from my mother overfeeding him. We could only afford the rubbish they call food in the supermarkets, so he wasn't doing great. He was miserable in the final days of his life, but we couldn't afford to go and put him down. So he had to suffer. I still remember his death throes in my arms, choking for breath. It was horrible.

          Thus, while it costs a lot, I'm not skimping out on food, health checks, and insurance for my boy. Like I said, if you cannot afford it, you cannot afford having a pet. Should the day come where I need to put him down, I'll hire a vet to come over and do it at home.

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