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Lead and Cadmium Could Be in Your Dark Chocolate - Consumer Reports Lead and Cadmium Could Be in Your Dark Chocolate - Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports tested 28 dark chocolate bars and found cadmium and lead in all of them. Here's how to limit your heavy metal exposure.

Lead and Cadmium Could Be in Your Dark Chocolate - Consumer Reports

For all the chocolate lovers out there, careful because effectively all dark chocolates have lead and cadmium in them. Lead is especially dangerous and some brands have alarmingly high amounts.


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  • Ugh, what a crap article. I don't want the history of chocolate and children and blah blah blah; where's the info?

    Comments here seem to suggest it's just all lead and cadmium everywhere. Cool. Unfortunate, considering I love dark chocolate. Just another reason to say FML I guess. Presumably this won't actually change anything, either. That's great; we can't have any corporate profits affected by having to provide even remotely clean and safe snacks/foods/candies/whatever.

    I hate this world so much.

    • I have to disagree, this was decent journalism. There was almost nothing on the history of chocolate so I don't understand your complaint there. And they have to briefly explain the dangers of heavy metal exposure at the beginning before discussing the levels; skipping that would be irresponsible.

      But as a reader I already know most of that info, and it was easy to scroll right past to the actual product list. They show the measured levels with graphs and percentages, which to me was very clear and not just "lead and cadmium everywhere". They even highlight the products with safer levels and wrap up by covering ways the industry can solve the issue. I don't know what else you could ask for.

      • sigh I'm having a shitty, rough time lately. Turns out it was all neatly hidden behind some scripts that hadn't loaded and I didn't notice some reasonably subtle signs of "we can't display images or text without scripts" so I assumed it was all buried somewhere or just wasn't actually presented (in favour of "trust us, we found lots of DANGER in all dark chocolate").

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