Older games with female protagonists?
Older games with female protagonists?
What games of older generations would you put up? i dont mind the genre really, id would just love to hear yalls suggestions.
Older games with female protagonists?
What games of older generations would you put up? i dont mind the genre really, id would just love to hear yalls suggestions.
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Calling this game "older" is hurting my soul, though.
if it makes you feel any better, you dealt psychic damage to me as well
My steam account is 15y old, the Orange Box was my first purchase.
The Orange Box was a lot of people's first Steam purchase. It's hard to overstate just how much gaming value was included.
Mine was Counter Strike, bundled with CS: Condition Zero.
My account is old enough to buy cigarettes
My back hurts
I thought at that time you couldn't buy condition zero separately, only within the orange box 🤔
I bought it before the orange box existed, like I said it was bundled with the OG Counter-Strike and CS: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes.
To be clear: Condition Zero came out in '04, the Orange Box came out in '07.
My Steam account is 18 years old, so I bought CS in '05
You did that on purpose.
I had to sign up for this new fangled "Steam" back when I had to use 5 CDs to install Half-Life 2. Lost that account years ago though, unfortunately.