Very useful tip
Very useful tip
Very useful tip
sudo rm -fr /*
is short for sudo rm --for-real /*
Super-do real-magic --for-real /* (<- that's a magic wand)
Su means substitute user, not super user
I thought it begins a comment.
Only in C languages
Remember that AI answer that said that adding -f option was to get a confirmation before deletion ?
I'm a bit concerned that this kind of meme will get a lot more real when people will blindly trust AI for commands.
Unfortunately I couldn't find the post in question but if I recall it was GitHub AI telling boldly that you can add -f to your RM command to get a confirmation...
Read the man people. RTFM is still a good advice.
I mean.
People have been saying "press alt F4 to change your IRC nick" or whatever for several decades
And didn't make an IOS upgrade back in the days the iPhone waterproof? And another one enabled fast charging in the microwave oven...
The fact that manufacturers feel the need to put warnings that encompass this kind of stupidity on their product tells you all you need to know, doesn't it.
Wasn't there a woman who tried to dry her little dog in the microwave, sued the company and won, because they never explicitely stated not to put live animals in there?
I hope that story isn't true, but most warning labels exist for a reason, and that reason isn't common sense.
Or, a bit more recent, telling someone in WoW that command to do something was /camp (it logs you out)
-force -recursive but I like the way you think