Also Gen X and what we had was hard compared to the Boomers but what Millenials and Gen Z have is far worse. This really is apples and oranges going on here.
Another Gen X here, yes, you are right, although being a Gen-Xer in the third world is/was not at all easy, even compared to millennials and Gen Z in the first world.
In any case, the title says "financial success" where it should read "survival skills".
For many it will. Incomes are increasing in real terms and unemployment remains at historic lows. We also just came through a decade of historically low rates which allowed generations of people to buy expensive homes.
Unfortunately those low rates, the neoliberal practise of high immigration, and NIMBY zoning laws have led to historically expensive housing and rent. Instead of war, that is this generation’s biggest challenge.
Millennial living that life right now. Assuming I stay on track, I might be able to buy a house when I'm in my 40's and literally work until the day I die.