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How do you moderate yourself?

I seem to have a problem with moderating myself when it comes to playtime on Video Games, How do you keep yourself from just endlessly playing games?


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  • I make games a fallback activity. If I can go be social, I'll pick that instead. I date people so I try to spend time with them.

    I set timers. Every hour or two the timer goes off, and I have to go do something else. Either something productive like an errand or just something not on the computer.

    I have a full time job. I never play games when I'm supposed to be working. I work from home so it would be easy to fire up the other computer and play a little between work stuff, but that's a horrible idea so I don't.

    I have a self imposed bed time. I had to use an alarm for this for a while but now it's just habit. Also I'm getting old so I get tired sooner.

    • @jjjalljs Ok, defiantly sounds like I have a addiction to gaming. I seem to put gaming before my partner (as well as previous partners, when I was with them). Annoyingly my goal is to replace some of my gaming time with other tasks such as Video Editing what I'd like to create my own business about but I keep on making walls to why I should not do it such as the easy my bank has still not sorted my online banking for my business so I can't edit for people, there's no point in even editing for myself or even booting the software.

      I saw a suggestion from someone else to possibly Gamify my life what sounds like a good thing to do. It's nice to know some people can just do it, thank you.

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