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Uyghurs and Falun Gong: Is it all bullshit?

I'm not very informed on modern China and there's a ton of sources accusing China of killing and even harvesting organs from Uyghurs and Falun Gong believers.

Is there any truth to those claims or is it all pigpoop ?


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  • Falun Gong: yes.

    Uyghur genocide: yes

    There's no need to bend over backwards to try to justify the government treatment of Uyghurs as being a genocide. It just isn't and there's no evidence that it is. The claims are paper-thin and always trace back to these things:

    • Adrian Zenz
    • Close collaborators of Adrian Zenz working in think tanks that are clearly NatSec cutouts.
    • Radio Free Asia and similar.
    • "Government in exile" NGOs funded by the NED that say the wildest shit and are clearly just a propaganda tool.
    • Literally the US NatSec ghouls

    I remember watching hexbears tie themselves in knots trying to justify this or that academic spewing absolute bullshit, like they are just itching to believe a China Bad line. Believing statements next to satellite images analyzed by a teenager and going, "yeah that checks out" or citing one Zenz-collaborating academic ghoul that has literally never been to China nor speaks any Chinese languages but appropriated the language of the left so I guess it must be legit.

    I'd also like to remind everyone that the claim of genocide magically appeared as a result of think tank ghouls that cited no new evidence and did not make any kind of case that stands up to the lightest criticism. It just got put out there in the classic style of manufacturing consent during a series of anti-China pushes. Prior to this, it had been getting called a cultural genocide, a term intended to play on the gravity of genocide while being fuzzy enough that libs who know nothing can argue about any level of ethnic discrimination fitting the bill. The claim of cultural genocide was supported by people duped into believing that salafist politics is traditional Uyghur culture (because they didn't deign to actually learn anything about Uyghurs before believing the paper-thin propaganda of empire) and that any form of ethnic oppression, any form, is cultural genocide. If you find that you or anyone else on the left is trying this hard to make excuses for the imperialist line, take a pause and ask yourself why you're doing it and whether you're asking the right questions. You are not immune to propaganda and finding a way - any way - for the imperialists to be right is its basic function in these scenarios.

    The claim of Uyghur genocide is a series of rhetorical escalations that do not match conditions on the ground and is coming from sources that any competent leftist should learn how to scrutinize and reject.

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