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Inspired by reading everyday news

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  • Another alternative is that we’re already living in the “Golden Age” of Mankind, which is kind of scary to think about.

    • We may look back at these days - you know, where not all diseases kill you, and in fact were super easily handled, barely an inconvenience!:-P - and wish to have such things as "antibiotics" again, before bacteria all became immune to them.

      Or maybe the world will rally together, and start funding research into alternatives quickly enough for it to matter? Just like climate change too...

      It's a good thing that people aren't anti-science now, bc that surely would be a problem if we want to reach that bright shiny happy future we keep hoping for. :-|

      • Our existing antibiotics would be perfectly fine, if they were used responsibly instead of mass breeding resistant bacteria to mass breed animals under terrible conditions because capitalism.

        In the same wake climate change would be much easier to deal with if the economic system wasnt designed around infinite growth of production and consumption.

        • If wishes were horses, then we all would ride.

          As it is, instead we will FAAFO.

      • It is very naive to think that the collective endgoal of humanity is to have super health when right now the only goal is which super power will dominate over the others, killing everyone who stands on their way

        • Not just right now - it was probably always that way. At one point those nations needed STEM e.g. engineers to win those (cultural) wars, while now we are gearing up to use robots and AI instead.

          Even so, I think the loss of antibiotics is more of a short sighted side effect. It could need a century of development to overcome, but it is more profitable to sell pain relief right now so... it's a problem for a future generation to have to deal with, so long as I get mine now, seems to be the way of thinking.

          • If the endgoal of humanity is for everyone to live happily and healthy why don't they start right now by decommercializing the health sector? Why health research and provision are commercial?

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