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  • I’m here out of boredom. Spiting you by doing so is just the added benefit. I’ll keep replying until you’re bored of having a conversation with yourself. You certainly aren’t having one with me.

    • It's rare, to see someone admit so openly they are a shit person.

      To kill time by nonchalantly wasting someone else's, is not a good look.

      One of us is trying to hold up a mirror for the other. The other just admitted they take pleasure in indulging their worst impulses.

      • Permanently Deleted

        • Uno reverse card. Every form of "why are you still here"-argument applies to yourself as well.

          • At four comment replies were entering the realm of mental illness as this point. Do you need to talk to someone. Are you feeling alright?

            I’m being genuine. I’m a veteran and I get if you’re going through something right now. You’ve picked me as you’re lighting rod for some odd reason. Despite the shit I’ve flung in your face and the repeated attempts at trying to show how little I wasn’t interested in any form of conversation with you. I’m here to help if you need to talk to someone.

            I can help you find a counselor or we can just shoot the shit about what your real issue is. It certainly isn’t me or this pointless exercise of insanity you’ve plunged us into. So what’s really bugging you friend?

            • Whoa! Three paragraphs!

              You seem to be under the impression you did nothing to get us down here:

              You missed the point of my entire comment.

              Grow the fuck up.


              I got you to write two more paragraphs. Seems pretty effective to me.

              No you idiot, I didn't want this argument.

              Then block me. Or you know, don't even start.

              Go touch some grass.

              You're all over this comment section doing shit like this.

              I'm literally not, I was engaging in perfectly rational discussion, only you got weird.

              Grow the fuck up, get a hobby and go bother someone else, asshole.

              Again, if this is the problem, walk away.


              I only read the first sentence by the way 😏

              I’m here out of boredom. Spiting you by doing so is just the added benefit.

              Oh wait. That’s not rare. That’s called obsessive. Silly me 😊

              I'm not keeping score, but you've not exactly been levelheaded.

              Another thing you don't seem to have noticed is that I'm the one helping you. Your very first reply to me was... unreasonable, so I started off simply defending what I had to say. You just got mean from there, never actually retorting but going straight for the hurt, rather than a discussion... So I switched gear and got down in the mud with you while trying to fit in just enough reason to get you to take a look at your own atrocious behaviour.

              And you have the gall to offer to help me?

              Now that is rich! Whatever let's you ride out of here, still up on that high-horse, I guess.

              • Tourniquet check time. It’s been 24 hours sir. You’re welcome to walk away from this conversation. It’s been a day. The fact you can’t let go of any of this is extremely fascinating to me.

                • Why would I want to let go? It's still fun!

                  I found a guy who tells me to "touch grass" while actively devolving the interaction. Someone who says "grow up" while openly admitting they aren't themselves engaging in good faith.

                  I have to hold up a mirror! Forcing this type of person take a real look at themselves is cathartic as fuck! And its not even schadenfreude, invariably the person comes out the other side more introspective and a better person, whether they admit so or not.

                  • I’m going to bed. Guess I’ll see you in the morning?

                    You really should take me up on that offer. I was being serious. I’m kind of worried about you. I’ll reply in the morning if you want to check up on you.

                    • You are improving. You've found a new way to cope with me. Unfortunately that doesn't excuse your earlier behavior.

                      No thanks on the help, but an apology will do. If you scoff at that, consider that I already made a list of things worth apologizing for.

                • I've talked down religious nuts online over the span of weeks. Getting you to admit you allowed an emotional reaction to negatively affect how you acted towards another person will be nothing at all.

                  This happened because I made a perfectly reasonable addition to what you had to say, and that offended you. Then when I defended my words with irrefutable logic... The list above.

                  It didn't need to, you could have handled the whole thing much better. All I want, and why I'm still here, is to make you see that. If you think my willingness to do something about rude people is a mental issue, I don't know what to tell you. If it is, I don't want it fixed.

            • And the only reason I split my replies is to make a counterpoint against your utterly idiotic "I only read the first sentence" bullshit.

              Well then, I'll just give you more than one "first sentence". Maybe then I'll get through and we can get this crap over with.

              • Okay. Whatever you need to say to yourself to justify it.

                • The only reason someone would openly admit to refusing to read the words of another while actively provoking more, is to be mean.

                  The solution is simple, either end the matter properly, or engage in good faith.

                  Instead you tried to use words as a weapon of pain, not logic. You should be ashamed.

                  • Permanently Deleted

                    • You keep saying I want you to engage in good faith, I do. And you reply you don't want to engage.

                      That's fine. Not engaging at all is perfectly valid.

                      The issue here, and the one I'm trying to get you to see, is that you keep picking the third option:

                      To try and get at me.

                      Now, if I couldn't take that, I should walk away. But I can, so the far more productive option is have you learn to choose to stop, or at least start you on your way. Then, maybe someone who can't take it, won't have to.

                    • Of course people are mean sometimes! You think I'm vehement because my skin is thin, but I can do this precisely because it isn't. I can engage with people who would drive others to kill themselves.

                      If my hobby of trying to kill trolls with kindness wherever I find them gets to even a fraction of them... Why stop?

                      What is there to see eye to eye on? Are you trying to claim that your behavior was perfectly reasonable, and not worth improving? It doesn't matter what we were arguing about, the moment you turned mean, my goal became to make you see that you should do better.

        • I have a point to prove, now. That you won't be able to stop this until you learn to let go of spiting someone.

          Am I obsessive about proving that point? A little. Am I as entertained as you are? For now.

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