This is why I care
This is why I care
This is why I care
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God does hate fags. Seriously, quit smoking, and stop throwing your butts out your car window. It's bloody disgusting.
Hey that isn't fair! Some of us smoked unfiltered
Or buy biodegradable filters for rollies
You got me curious now. I know the unfiltered I smoked would breakdown in a compost heap and in wastewater treatment I wonder how many types out there dont.
Yeah I don't smoke anymore but I used to buy just plain tobacco, roll it in normal cigarette paper, and use 100% cotton filters. I threw my stuff away in the trash still, but I felt better about the waste anyway
The filters are made from some type of polymerized nature fiber (cellulose?). So while cellulose will decompose, the polymerization does something that makes them last forever.
My ex would smoke on the back porch and throw her butts into the grass. Seriously pissed me off.