Epic Games Admits In Court That Its PC Store Still Isn't Profitable
Epic Games Admits In Court That Its PC Store Still Isn't Profitable

The company behind Fortnite is currently in a legal fight against Google over in-app fees

Epic Games Admits In Court That Its PC Store Still Isn't Profitable
The company behind Fortnite is currently in a legal fight against Google over in-app fees
Well you sound like someone trying to have a good faith discussion and attempting to continue would be a good use of my time.
What is the alternative to Steam?
As I said.
(The linked article is about Epic)
Exactly. Not having an alternative marketplace--and no other one exists--is anti-customer and yet, you seem to have no problem with a Steam monopoly. Why?
"it exists" is not enough reason to use something.
If I start an online store that charges twice as much as Steam and has none of the features are you going to purchase from it just because It'S cOmPeTiTioN tO StEaM's MoNoPoLy?
Probably not. Do games on the Epic Store cOSt TwIcE aS MucH? Do you routinely buy goods and services with irrelevant features to your needs?
So we agree that it's unreasonable to purchase from a store that provides worse service just because it exists or to "promote competition".
EPICs anti-customer practices (such as trying to make everything exclusive) are reasons for consumers not to use them.
No and it's not worse service.