Apple May Soon Allow Sideloading Apps on iOS
Apple May Soon Allow Sideloading Apps on iOS
In this video I discuss how Apple may soon allow people to side load apps on iOS as part of apples compliance with the EU's Digital Markets Act.
Apple May Soon Allow Sideloading Apps on iOS
In this video I discuss how Apple may soon allow people to side load apps on iOS as part of apples compliance with the EU's Digital Markets Act.
It’s just a shopping app. I’m sure it would work fine. Any advice on how I can find the actual app to add with sideloady?
Thanks! I just checked and the app I need is not there. I think I’ll just keep maintaining a second phone.
Do you have payment methods on your Apple ID? Even if you don’t, you can try to switch your region on the Apple ID website. When it asks for payment method, choose “none”.
So, can I do this then switch back to my current region? Maybe this is what I need to do to get all the apps that I need.
Yeah, though you may have to switch back and forth to update
Omg! Why is it so annoying? Like I can’t even get one of my banking apps. I can’t believe that there is not a better solution as there are many people who live between countries.