He is a Hard Worker
He is a Hard Worker
He is a Hard Worker
Construction workers can make bank, mom!
Just have to wreck your back by the age of 35.
Not with strong worker safety laws you don't
Former safety manager here. Workers are dumb with their toxic masculinity, and safety isn't baked into the standard of work. Literally, it's not part of the engineered labor standard.
Because you're the minority. I teach these young men that their body is their most important tool and yet they take shortcuts or say, "PPE is for pussies."
Well you just proved my point then. If these "guys" you're talking about didn't take shortcuts with their health and actually wore PPE etc they would be in great shape. It's not the job it's them.
I have a near zero probability of getting a hernia or falling from a lethal height. Plus, I have several family members who were tradesmen with destroyed backs and addicted to pain killers by their 40s. One uncle that was in a coma for 9 months from falling from a ladder and another on disability from wear and tare being a roofer.
working out regularly, eating well, and sleeping well. That's what keep you fit and in shape. That's it. working a manual labor job gets you the excersize part, you gotta do it properly but that task is fullfilled by having a manual labor job. You still need to eat and sleep well and not get addicted to painkillers (that can happen to anyone). An office job fulfills non of the tasks required to be fit. Sure less chance of injury since you're in an temp controlled cubicle. Much higher chance of being unfit though.
Figuratively and literally!
Yeah mom. Wtf you on. Also...what YOU doin with your college degree mom?
That construction worker has made more money at his entry level job than you have in the last twenty years mom!
~$24/hr x 2080 = $49,920 x 20 = $998,400. + 36/hr x 520 OT = 18,720 x 20 = 374,400. = $1,372,800 + benefits in 20 years.
Mom = -$200,000 first 4 years in reality -300,000 with interest for college. $9/hr full time job for 2 years outside of your industry. $17/hr first 3 years in your industry. $20/hr next 5 years. $25/hr next 5 years. $23/hr due to salary cuts last 1 year.
-300,000 + 37,440 + 106,080 + 208,000 + 260,000 + 47,840 = $359,360 for mom in 20 years with the good benefits only coming after she gets salaried.
Congrats, this is what the gender pay gap has been about since it was created. Men destroy themselves and off themselves in droves for it.