A beginner's guide to astrology
A beginner's guide to astrology
A beginner's guide to astrology
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Men will mock astrology then wear dirty panties week to week so their favorite sports team will win.
Magic thinking is in all of us. It makes more sense to view the sky and seasons as affecting your personality than half the luck, karma, prayer bullshit half the people mocking this stuff do
Personally I think there is reason in astrology. Animals literally have babies at a specific time of year, this habit predates fucking mammals themselves.
So babies born in winter might have a different temperament than those born in summer it makes sense to me evolutionarily. More than any other magic think I can think of.
edit: panty wearing magic thinking sports boys triggered
I'm pretty sure I don't have any beliefs like this, at least not consciously. If I noticed myself falling into a mindset like that, I would probably chastise myself for such foolishness.
You're logic be like: I'm an irrational guy => everyone is irrational => my kind of irrational is better than their kind of irrational because reasons.
or you know the more normal, awareness of magical thinking and still able to enjoy really normal things without being a dick lol
I'm not a dick.
I also describe people who disagree with me as panty wearing magic thinking sports boys.
on a post mocking astrology typically a woman/queer hobby?
What? Wow. That's very sexist.
Men will mock astrology then wear dirty panties week to week so their favorite sports team will win.
I don't wear the same pair of underpants game to game, but then the Astros also didn't clear the ALC so to everyone in Houston I extend my formal apologies.
I'm with you. In ye olden times, hitting different development milestones during points of the year with different resource availabilities probably had an effect on personalities, and once a pattern is observed people like to make up a story to explain it. If you aren't letting it rule your life it's a bit of harmless fun. Like a lucky number or color. People are too protective of their own irrationalities while denouncing other's.