Android Auto music apps break with Android 14 update
Android Auto music apps break with Android 14 update

For some users, the Android 14 update has partially broken some music apps on Android Auto, but it doesn't seem very widespread.

Android Auto music apps break with Android 14 update
For some users, the Android 14 update has partially broken some music apps on Android Auto, but it doesn't seem very widespread.
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My God this is a tiresome side of Lemmy, I like the idea of ownership and all that but streaming offers more than access it is convenient and cheap access to a wider range than possible to download.
Jesus Christ, you're an insufferable wanker.
Cool, I have really niche shit you've never heard of and as soon as you do hear about it you can find it and listen immediately.
Why am I lazy because I don't take the long way around to the fun part to things?
Sounds like a you problem.
Cool you do that and we'll be over here enjoying ourselves
And other people have jobs, lol
And I could probably pull any of those thousands of songs out of thin air anywhere in the world on nearly any device and play it on Spotify or YouTube. You sound like a jealous broke bitch
I like having fresh and new music to listen to based on my music taste.
Eh, do both
Definitely agree with you, but it's good to make playlists yourself too. I've got playlists I made over a decade ago that I go back to every now and again
Which service are you using that provides a good quality playlist based on your music tastes?
I found Spotify to be pretty rubbish at it since 90+% of it seemed to recommend the same songs day in, day out.
Why're you acting so angry about this?
I will turn your face into an mp3 if you're not careful, young lad