Most of them are not in playstore anymore and this folder includes OBBs. I tried running some of them but unfortunately they dont run anymore. At least on android 9+. I have deleted them now.
You could have tried on an older android device first. But for 8 gigs, I wouldn't even have bothered. I'd just throw them in a bucket and be done with it.
No offense, but that was stupid. It's 8 gigabyte. It doesn't cost you anything to keep 8 GB around. If you're really needing that space just get a flash drive or something and save it somewhere.
So on the grand scheme of things, someone out there is definitely holding on to them so no harm no foul. That being said, what the guy at the top comment implied is that 8GB is such a small amount of space that you shouldn't even have to "worry" about keeping it, just keep it because its so small it won't do you no harm to have it around.
Or dump it into data hoarders and let someone else take the storing burden.
Idk why people are downvote u lol, if they don't work and hold no value to you anymore, there's no reason to keep it, whether it's 100gb, 100gb or 100mb.
The downvotes are because OP made this post asking if is worth it to keep it. Then goes on and deletes them anyway. Why ask if you've already decided what you were going to do in the first place.
OP thought 8gb is a lot and were proud to show it off. I had like 50gb of apk and shit. It's not that I dont want to deletes it, I just lost it in my nested folder.