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  • I have a Kirk/Spock fight Amok Time Christmas ornament. If you press a button, it plays the fight music. For at least a minute. It's glorious.

    • Oh wow!! I would love that, my family would hate me!! Already anytime anything close to AMOK TIME or that seen from Cable Guy is mentioned, I must, like an irrepressible impulse, do Jim's "song" of the music. I would probably carry that around and play it instead till they disowned me.

      • I think it was a Hallmark ornament? I bet you could find one on eBay.

        • I may look, though it may end up costing me a ton if I go down that rabbit hole. My dad used to get all the Halmark ST ornaments as they came out. They had a little plug that goes into the light bulb socket on the tree lights to light up. He gave those to my cousin after I had expected to get them. If I start with one I know I will want to get them all to theme the tree. Plus they had looked amazing... to me anyway.

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