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Voter-approved Oregon gun control law violates the state constitution, judge rules Voter-approved Oregon gun control law violates the state constitution, judge rules

An Oregon judge has ruled that a voter-approved gun control law violates the state constitution. The decision on Tuesday continues to block it from taking effect and casts fresh doubt over the future of the embattled measure.

Voter-approved Oregon gun control law violates the state constitution, judge rules

A voter-approved Oregon gun control law violates the state constitution, a judge ruled Tuesday, continuing to block it from taking effect and casting fresh doubt over the future of the embattled measure.

The law requires people to undergo a criminal background check and complete a gun safety training course in order to obtain a permit to buy a firearm. It also bans high-capacity magazines.

The plaintiffs in the federal case, which include the Oregon Firearms Federation, have appealed the ruling to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The case could potentially go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court.


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  • Huh, almost like things can and should change after it was written. So fuck the 2nd amendment and anyone that defends it.

    • I think it was Jefferson who argued the Constitution should have been re-written every 10 years?

      Let me see if I can find the quote...

      19 years...

      "Every constitution, then, and every law, naturally expires at the end of 19. years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force and not of right."

      Madison was the one to kill that idea.

      But as it stands, the 2nd Amendment is the law of the land. You don't have to like it, and there are things you can do about it:

      1. Get an Amendment started. You have to get 290 votes in the House and 67 votes in the Senate. Then get it ratified by 34 State Houses.

      2. Get it re-interpreted by the Supreme Court. You do this by electing Democratic Presidents in '24 and '28. That gives a solid Democratic White House until 2032.

      The Supreme Court leans 6-3 Conservative.
      The two oldest judges are Thomas (75) and Alito (73). If they are replaced by a Democratic President, that will turn the court back 5-4 Liberal.

      When you look at the next three oldest though: Sotomayor (69), Roberts (68), Kagan (63).

      It doesn't do much good to flip Thomas and Alito in the next 10 years, then lose Sotomayor, Kagan, and a reliable swing vote like Roberts 5-10 years after that.

      So now you're looking at having to have Democrats hold the White House in '24, '28, '32, '36 and possibly '40.

      • Doesn't writing that all out make you want to cry? The futility of being able to prevent my child from growing up knowing they are simply a target makes me have trouble breathing. I just want it to stop.

        • Helping other people understand the full ramifications of what they're talking about actually makes me kind of proud.

          On any hot-button issue, there's a lot of uneducated opinion and emotion on both sides, if I can help guide even one person through to a better understanding of what it all means and what they can do, then I'm not going to cry over it.

          If folks on the left want to do with guns what folks on the right did with abortion, it can be done... All you need is 50 years and a bunch of Supreme Court justices.

          The thing that I find funny is that through ALL this, nobody has asked me "Well, what would YOU do if you're so smart?"


          1. I'd give up trying to ban guns. It's money and energy wasted on an impossibility.

          2. Examine what CAN be done knowing that banning guns is not an option.

          For example:

          The ATF form to buy a gun already blocks certain kinds of people from buying a gun. For example: If you're indicted or convicted of a felony, you can't own a gun.

          We need an analysis of recent shootings and determine how we could change the laws to have prevented them without banning guns.

          Look at the guy who shot up Michigan State:

          He was previously arrested on a felony gun charge, was allowed to plead to a misdemeanor, did his time, did his probation, bought more guns and shot up the place.

          Here's a wild idea... maybe make it so gun offenses, misdemeanor or felony, BOTH block you from future gun ownership. Ya think? You've already proven you can't be trusted with a gun.

          Or maybe, just maybe, make it so felony gun charges can't be pled down to a misdemeanor? Felony or nothing.

          Each shooting exposes holes in our existing laws that can and should be fixed, but if we get hung up on "well ban guns, hurhurhur" nothing will ever get done.

          Look at the Maine shooter:

          We were SO CLOSE to stopping that guy before he did anything.

          He bought the guns before having auditory hallucinations that landed him in a mental hospital in New York for two weeks.

          While New York has a red flag law, he wasn't a resident of New York. It didn't apply to him.

          Army sent him home, banned him from handling THEIR guns, but Maine doesn't have a red flag law which would have allowed the state to seize weapons.

          So what could we have done? Well... how about getting every state to have a red flag law? Heck, how about a FEDERAL red flag law that could be invoked by, say, the Army, that would apply to all states a soldier might live in?

          Again, ya think?

          These are the common sense laws we can pass right now, and no Amendment or Supreme Court change is required to do it.

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