Oddly enough there is a specific album, live's secret samadhi, that I've never found a rippable copy of. I've found like five copies over the past half decade at used record stores, all in seemingly perfect condition in terms of lack of scratches, but they won't play correctly all the way through or rip correctly. Could be anecdotal bad luck, but I think the cd pressing of that album has bit rot in general for some reason. I've not seen that on any other factory discs I've ripped.
I've seen it, but I collect a lot of magazine cover discs, 90s PC games and stuff, it's def pretty darn rare. 'Did the previous owner(s) abuse the disc?' is a vastly higher concern for me in my eBay adventures.
I do have two magazine discs that I had trouble reading that were probably rotting, but they were definitely left in the sun for a long while judging by how brown they where, that or they were put inside an oven.
I bought a CD boxset of all the MAD Magazine issues from launch until the late 90s (when I bought it). About 8 years later I still had it and attempted to back it up into ISOs It was like 6 discs and of course disc 5 was unreadable so the entire thing was useless :-/
Hmm, there might be some procedures to help you to get them backed up to ISOs, even if they seem unreadable. What program did you try to use to make the ISOs?
I have no idea, this was like 15 years ago haha It was probably Nero or Roxio. At this point I'm sure I could download the whole collection from somewhere.
Probably in a nicer format, better quality and better compatibility. Would not be surprised if the box set required its own software to be installed to read the magazine
Yeah it had an installer and program to read everything, it wasn't just a simple collection of scanned pages. I got it at a computer show back when I was like 10 or 12, and when "computer shows" were actually a thing in the late 90s hahaha