Why do all the new TVs expect me to have a platform AS WIDE as the fucking thing?? Fucking shit!! God awful absolutely dumb thoughtless design choice
luckily this is just a 32; i had a 70 from the same brand with the same INSANELY FUCKING STUPID STAND DESIGN that i had to find something for....literally at the most extreme edges of the thing, what the fuck is this? this is so fucking stupid, it cannot be meaningfully cheaper than a proper design and it looks fucking dumb as hell and surely this has pissed off 90% of people that wanted a TV and want to put it on a little stand like a normal fucking person right??
Show me the affordable TV made in the last 5 years that doesn't require a stand at least 90% as wide as the TV is
Don't say it's for stability, you could move the feet to be 1/3 of the way in and it'll be exactly as stable because it isn't tipping over sideways. Don't say it's for a sound bar, this is a TCL, that's the cheapest "I'm looking for a new TV but make minimum wage" brand you can find
I call 370 an affordable TV, I searched the word tv and that was my 3rd result. If you wanted a good deal I would search for more than 15seconds, but that's how long it took to find the first tv that matched the criteria.
Take a look at the 5th too, $400 for a 55in, plenty affordable!
Are you being sarcastic? $400 for 55in TV is high end... Lower cost 55in are, on average, $240. Affordable TV for most of the world would be under $200-$250
You might be blinded by your own country's prices there mate, but even considering that, not many people are calling any $400 TV "high end".
By all means have a look on UK amazon (or any UK store) for a new 55in screen for under £200 though.....
A high end tv is over a grand, whether that's from US Walmart or UK John Lewis. What "high end" TV can you show me advertised at $400? Lets keep it simple and just say any OLED 55in screen. Not particularly high end necessarily but I bet you can't find a $400 one, in fact I doubt you'll find one for 3figures.
I just checked Walmart US and not sure how you arrived at 240. The absolute cheapest 55in TV is 250. Where you get 240 average i have no idea, maybe a few TVs elsewhere but they're at the absolute bottom rung for quality and we're talking about affordable TVs , not budget ones.
That's a black Friday sale price. And in typical black Friday fashion it's been advertised to make it look as appealing as possible, that TV doesn't sell for 500 anywhere.
Either way, there's a difference between a budget TV and an affordable TV. You can pick up a TV with a base for £300 pretty easily, and I'd definitely consider that affordable.