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According to a promise I made, Kissinger's death means I have to read theory, what are the first five works I should start with?


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    • Das Capital Volumes 1-3. Core theory on the basic nature of capitalism and familiarity in the core terminology among anti-capitalist nerds. You get to choose whether this counts as 1 or 3.
    • Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism by our good friend Lenin. Good for understanding the core ideas of imperialism and a verified theoretical extension to Das Kapital.
    • Blackshirts and Reds by our good friend Michael Parenti. A good overview of the 20th century that agitates for questioning dominant liberal media narratives on the nature and history of socialist movements.
    • Blood in my Eye (George Jackson). Good balance for understanding the internal colonization framework useful for the Black Panthers et al. Valuable for an American perspective in particular as well as challenging your own ideas on what counts as adventurism vs. valuable direct action. Also elucidating on the military-industrial complex and the ties between capitalism and anti-blackness.
    • Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink and Blue by comrade Leslie Feinstein. Comrade Feinstein exhibits a model for imperial core organizing that includes liberation struggle, is/was cool as shit, and was a member of a precursor to the PSL.
    • Superimperimpeeralism by Michael Hudson. A reasonable political economic argument as to the self-serving nature of US foreign policy, including its international financial and military tools.

    Of course there's much more to read and talk about, but these are a good foundation for any imperial core commie.

    Edit: Fanon, so hot right now. The Wretched of The Earth is required reading right now.

    Edit 2: I made 7 recommendations lol sorry

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