Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1
Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1
Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1
I'm more interested of how much satire, sarcasm, irony and parody they bring into gta 6. Not really care about graphics since whats shaping up gta is the satirical of the world especially usa.
If they still keep those in check on release, rockstar still had the balls.
Even though it is coming from rockstar main studios, I just hope it won't be end up like Saints Row reboot which turn out become massive joke and the volition had to close up lmao.
Honestly, if Rockstar can make a modern GTA equivalent of Saints Row 2, they’d be golden. Which is kind of ironic in a sense since Saints Row was originally the “GTA at home” clone but became amazing.
In a sense of gritty crime story telling? Yeah I'd agree. Things that make SR1 & 2 differs from GTA is that they dont shy away from goofiness and let players having fun with lots of side activity but at same time they also have coherent direction where the story heading at (like Yakuza series).
Though I would be more cautious in writing as the only veteran staff of GTA creation that stays on Rockstar is Sam Houser. Dan Houser (his brother), Leslie Benzies and some others key people had leave Rockstar games due to some internal issues as far as I know.
Just the trailer itself includes two direct parodies of real Florida people (the tatted guy on TV and the woman with two hammers)
Yeah, hard to say what they do. If they keep the GTA 5 insanity level then its hardly a parody of real life since thats where real life is at.
I find it a little upsetting that 5's parody has become only a slight exaggeration of reality
I just replayed it on PS5 for the first time since I beat it on PS3 and I was thinking the same thing.