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General Discussion Thread - Juche 112, Week 49

Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our cult, here is our weekly discussion thread.

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  • Our party is focussing hard on the upcoming elections next year and even though I see the importance of it, I don't feel the urge to invest too much energy in parliamentary politics. And that's mainly what we seem to do right now.

    It sucks, because it's really hurting my motivation right now.

    • What does your party usually do? Mutual aid, theory groups, etc.?

      • Main focus is non parliamentary things. We try to influence people in the workplaces by having our members set up groups at their place of work. We often stand at factory gates in the early mornings to talk to the workers starting their shifts. We operate in local action groups who tackle local problems. We run several different free healthcare clinics. We do exchange projects with for example Cuba and Palestine.

        There's lots of things we do, but I feel like they are not the main focus right now. I get why, elections can be important. But I feel less inclined to tell people to just VOTE!!!

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