I Don't Like Biden Either,
I Don't Like Biden Either,
I Don't Like Biden Either,
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How exactly is this NOT racist?
It's not necessary a "white" person, for example I once had a discussion with a black American who took this position depicted here, a big Obama fan and free market defender
"i can't be racist, i have a black friend"
because it's against the "bad" race.
Tell me you don't understand what white supremacism is without telling me you don't understand what white supremacism is.
It’s interesting that was your response.
It's interesting how vilifying an entire group of people based on the skin color is not considered racist if that skin color is white.
Historically "racist" is the bunk pseudoscience that claimed white people are more intelligent than other racial groups. When you refer to someone in the modern age as racist you are comparing them to those idiots. It wouldn't make a lot of sense to compare somebody to that group for disliking white people.
To answer the deeper question you're hinting at, although the post is racially predigest, making fun of white people for being white is generally considered punching up which is not frowned on in the same way as punching down.
Considered punching up? Is that not racist itself? If a non-white considers making fun of white people to be "punching up", then do they consider themselves as lesser than white people? We are all human, and discriminating based on race is racist regardless of the race.
Punching up/down isn't in reference to some scale of a person's value, but in reference to how much somebody struggles. While in this case is is about race it doesn't have to be. Making fun of somebody for having cancer for instance would be punching down because they are already struggling with that thing.
Obviously it can get nuanced pretty easily. People like Caitlyn Jenner are so privileged that the systemic oppression/hate of trans people probably don't effect her very much, so it's probably not punching down to make fun of her, though others may disagree.
It may make more sense to rephrase it as "don't hit someone when they're already on the ground".
back pedal, back pedal!!!!
Which part felt like back pedaling?
I'm honestly trying to debate in good faith.
“Whites,” have Cultural Hegemony.
It's interesting that you aren't answering the question.
The meme is a critique of those at the top of the dominant social hierarchy. To question the legitimacy of the critique is acquiescence to that hierarchy. Robin DiAngelo explains it better.
I don't think you understand the words you used. You didn't actually explain why what you posted wasn't a racist strawman. I'm not asking Robin DiAngelo to explain it. I'm asking you explain it.
thats a lot of words for I'm in this photo, and I dont like it
And I’m asking you to read gooderer and defer to experts that have studied racism instead of making it personal.
in other words, you don't know what YOU are talking about, just what OTHERS are talking about?
That’s generally how we learn of experiences we’re not familiar with, by deferring to the expertise of those with knowledge of those lived experiences. Why should I pretend to be an expert on racism when I can easily source better information with a link? Maybe instead of denigrating someone that makes you aware of systemic racism, you should dislike the fact that systemic racism exists.
if you can't explain your pov without linking to some article, you don't understand what you're trying to argue.
Maybe I don’t feel like writing a dissertation on the historical and sociological iterations of racism for a political meme community. Especially when those reading:
Don’t care to try to understand it,
Can’t understand it even if they wanted, because they lack the the relatable experiences to interpret it.
There is no arguing the validity of white fragility