It's a simple world view
It's a simple world view
It's a simple world view
there’s always a significant additional bureaucratic cost when selling a house and buying another one.
This really only affects landlords and estate agents. Most people looking for a home are looking for a place to stay for life, and any "bureaucratic cost", if you're purely talking about red tape, form-filling, phone calls etc, is more than worth it for a lifetime home. Again, citation needed. If you're talking about a literal monetary cost... whoa, look at that - capitalism!
renting has at least a single clear benefit beyond just being able to afford it: greater flexibility
"Flexibility" is a daft measure, only useful for people who plan to move often, which, again, is not common, except in the case of people needing to move often for work, which - hey, it's capitalism again!
Also, the financial risk is almost zero when you rent.
"Almost" is doing a lot of work in this sentence. The risk of being made homeless by your landlord for petty reasons is a pretty clear risk. Having your rent hiked is a financial risk. Having to bite the bullet and choose an expensive place to rent because it's the only one reasonably close to work is a financial risk. Being under someone's thumb to provide them income is itself an inherent financial risk.
And by the way - what do you think causes the financial risk of home ownership, since you're so intent on proving my point for me?
Try and think a little more deeply. An accident in itself is not a financial risk. Even flooding isn't inherently a financial risk. Do you know what is?
Also, "market changes" is a part of what I'm pointing at ;)
It's capitalism!
Oof, unironically suggesting Sowell? Might as well toss in Prager-U, or DailyWire.
For one, I wouldn't recommend a clown that supports removing the minimum wage, or argues that colonization was a good thing. Recommending a far-right Chicago economist, who is far-right even by Chicago school standards, is laughably absurd.
I have many positions of my own. Decentralization is key, as is democratization, and this extends to production. I think protecting worker power is key, and I think Imperialism and colonization are terrible. As such, I can't agree with recommending Sowell.
All of those are reasons why I'm a leftist and am on Lemmy, rather than a Capitalist site like Reddit.
Henry Kissinger won a nobel peace prize lmao
Capitalist awards often mean you are bad at the thing they're commending you for
fosforus uses deflection!
It's not very effective!
Answer me instead of making bad jokes, coward.
By the way - are you unaware of the incredible self own inherent in this? In your attempt to "recommend" a book for more information on these issues, you recommend "basic economics". Well...
Dude. It was entirely a deflection. Answer my fucking comment. I have literally no need whatsoever to respect your "recommendation". It was an attempt to avoid answering my statements and nothing more than that. So go ahead, answer. Or are you too scared?
Also, I have Cowbee's statements to lean on, which you yourself conceded to, to know what the book is like.
Still not an answer. You can say all you like, but until you answer you are only continuing to deflect.