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SSH Putty key conversion or android SSH that can use one

Does anybody know a way of either converting (on android) a putty key to something I can use in ConnectBot, or a good android SSH app that can use Putty keys natively?

I am away from home without my laptop, which I would usually use. I only have my android phone with me.

A few months ago I tried creating RSA key pairs to use with Putty on my laptop and ConnectBot but for some reason I just could not crack it so gave up. I also used puttygen to create an RSA key but it would not work on ConnectBot


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  • Why are you trying to reuse an ssh key? That seems like a really bad practice. It's just not the way key pair authentication is supposed to work. Passing around and sharing private keys is BAD. Client devices create their own private keys and only share public keys. Just create a new key from ConnectBot and get it to your server via other methods. If you're already away from home without any other means of connecting, that last part is admittedly tricky and you may be SOL.

    Isn't ConnectBot a dead project anyway? Last I checked, it hadn't been updated in years. Well, I guess I was wrong here. I can't find a simple full list of all the past updates, but I seem to remember moving away from ConnectBot because it lacked some feature I wanted and no longer worked on my new Android device. I've been satisfied with JuiceSSH, but I'm happy that ConnectBot is still alive since it was one of the first apps I installed on the first generation Android phone.

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