Do your own research?
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The last section of the comic kinda hits deep to me because that's exactly what happened once I worked up the nerve to leave Christianity. That was before I noticed the title, which just made it ironic.
I might still be religious if the creationist community didn't exist. I met a lot of creationists in college. It was a mild culture shock. I believed in God and evolution. No issues.
They kept pestering me to look into the arguments. Long story, short: I eventually did. I just kept finding liar after liar. Found the lies didn't stop on at pseudoscience either.
Thank you, creationist community. My life is better now.
There's an old joke that the best way to create an atheist is to have them read the bible cover to cover. The more you know, the less it makes sense.
Same. The denomination I grew up in was adamant that the Bible had to be literally true in its entirety or none of it was valid at all. One I'd convinced myself that evolution was real and the universe was more than 6000 years old, I was like... "Welp, guess I gotta be an atheist now."
Ah, well. That's a bit different. I was trying to highlight how denominations like the one you grew up in chase away souls in the more liberal denominations. It was harder to see the lies when were not so falsifiable. But the science lies, aka the falsifiable ones, led me to explore a bit more. I think our paths converge there.