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Must Watch Video on why the Star Wars Fandom Hates LGBTIAQ+ People

Amazing video produced by Jessie Gender along with a group of creators whom many of them are from the ** LGBTIAQ+ community** .

I knew from my anthropology class many years ago that George Lucas borrowed concept from the The Hero with a Thousand Faces.

What I did not know is that the author, Joseph Campbell is:

  1. A misogynist
  2. An antisemite
  3. Didn't research properly

This explains why the hero must be a (white) men.

Carl Jung's theory about collective unconsciousness and archetypes are also outdated and discarded by psychology.

The archetypes reduce women to "mother", "Goddess". etc. but never the hero.

Also, since Jung's theory categories people neatly into archetypes, those who does not fit social norm (LGBTQIA+ people) were never represented.

When the creation is based on such shaky foundations, no wonder the Star Wars fandom turns out to be racist and misogynist.

Btw, do you know who else's book borrows heavily from Jung? Jordan Peterson.


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  • Okay, I'm going to go on a bit of a rant now, and it's nothing against this particular creator. But at some point I have to put my foot down and say: No. Fuck this video.

    I don't know who started this damn trend, but I'm so tired of these unnecessarily long videos. Your video should never be 4, 5 or even 6 hours long. What the fuck! Amazing documentaries have been made for decades and they never reached that amount of time. There is no reason why a video should be 6 hours long. I have other shit to do. At some point, just publish a book...

    And I know, that sweet retention time. But you can't convince me you had so much to say and that everything in this video is so important that nothing couldn't be taken out. I don't believe you. I don't need to click on this video to know it could be two and a half hours long at best. And if really, you have that much to say? Cut that shit into a series, then!

    Look, I already find it hard to watch a 30 minute video essay. Because most of the time, it doesn't need to be that long and the person making it just won't get to the damn point.

    Like, let's say I'm watching a video about a game. If I'm watching this, chances are I already know the game. Or at least, just give some brief context. You don't have to "but actually... whats's a video game?" me and then to go into thé whole fucking history of video games and tell me about how life was for the developer when they was a sperm in someone's balls...

    I'll say this though, I used to make videos. I would write, record and edit the whole thing on my own. So a six hours long project? Yeah, I respect the hell out of that. But at some point, you need to think of the viewer. It's unreasonable to ask someone to take this much time to do anything in their day. Cut it into multiple parts, I know chapters are a thing but YouTube remembering where I stopped watching is far too inconsistent for that.

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