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  • I'm sorry you had to deal with that awful guy. Abuse of staff isn't something that you should tolerate, nor am I asking you to. All I ask is that patients are not profiled as this guy until they have proven otherwise.

    This is a systemic issue, not something that you're expected to fix alone. I'm not blaming you for all the failings of a medical system that is understaffed, underpaid, and overcharged by insurance companies. I'm just asking that people who have suffered at the ER before be heard and believed. I have tried countless times explaining the extent of this systemic issue to medical professionals, and was met with skepticism and outright disbelief about the magnitude of this issue. The many anecdotal experiences from ER visit should give an idea of how common this is among ER visitors.

    Yes, it's true that both sides are making assumptions here. However, patient assumptions that ER staff are capable of causing harm are there to keep themselves safe, and don't turn them into abusive patients. Discriminatory assumptions made by ER staff can turn them into abusive staff.

    • What I have been trying to say is that we didn't make any assumptions about that guy. We treated him with the same standard of care and urgency that any emergent medical condition would warrant until we had proof that he was faking it and after he grabbed a nurse's breast so violently and so hard that the entire right side of her chest was bruised for a couple of weeks. We made no assumptions and only acted on his behaviors and proven medical condition.

      The experiences you have had are horrible, but they are not universal. Unfortunately, the way the emergency medical system has been stretched to its limit lately means that the best the ER can do is to keep people from dying, and diagnose and treat the more straightforward conditions. For most of the more complicated and chronic stuff, there's very strict laws about how much medication for what duration can be prescribed by an emergency physician, and a significant amount of the time, the best we can do is make sure you're not actively dying and put in a referral to the specialists with a note that you should be bumped up the waiting list a bit depending on severity. Hell, even trying to admit people to the hospital isn't a sure bet these days because the inpatient departments are allowed to enforce their staffing-to-patient ratios, so the ER gets stuck trying to take care of inpatient and even ICU patients with ER resources for up to days at a time.

      My somewhat glib comment about people not being aware of what counts as an "emergency" is very literal when it comes to triage. We do our best to treat everything that comes through our doors, but if there's not an immediate threat to life, limb, or permanent disability, there's pretty distinct limits on what we're able to do on a short timeline and what the hospital allows us to do for free. EMTALA stands for "Emergency Medical Treatment And Labor Act" and it dictates that anyone who turns up to an ER with an emergent medical condition that poses immediate threat to life, limb, or permanent disability will be treated and stabilized to the accepted level of care regardless of ability to pay, and a mother presenting in active labor will be provided with delivery care or appropriate timely transfer to a labor and delivery department if appropriate regardless of ability to pay. There's very strict rules about the level of treatment to be provided and when or if transfer to another facility or provider is warranted and permitted, but past the stipulations of that law, it comes under the hospital administration's rules and regulations about what level of care can be provided by the emergency department.

      I've seen quite a few physicians defy the hospital rules by ordering some of the special labs and tests that the specialist would order so that the results are already available in the system for when (if) the patient gets seen by the specialist, but they can get in quite a bit of trouble for it, and if it's not documented just right the patient's insurance might not pay for it. That's one of the other delightful limitations on what the ER can do...we have to toe the line on what needs to or should be done versus what the patient's insurance will pay for, because believe it or not, we really don't want to stick you with a bill for thousands of dollars of tests that your insurance denied coverage for.

      Due to overwork, understaffing, antiquated training, and burnout, a lot of physicians' and nurses' bedside manner could use a fair bit of work, but in terms of the care provided, 99+ percent of the time, it really is the best we can do under the restraints created by laws, rules, resources, and insurance.

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