Yeah we don't do that. Biosec are good but internally states are lax. I live in world heritage rainforest and about 8 cats are left to roam constantly but I can't, sensibly I might add, walk my dogs in there on leash.
We log our old growth forests, allow gardeners to plant invasive species and knock down rainforest to do so. It's good shit lmao.
Australia is the same contradictory profit driven neoliberal shit as all the Thatcher-Reagan influenced nations.
Yeah I mean I wouldn't live in the usa but also living in Australia is crap in a lot of ways. Basically it's becoming more like the usa plus insane cost of living and UK surveillance state.
we also still have plenty of guns. About 15 per 100 people iirc. We're just not a completely broken society (yet) and we don't allow autos or most semi autos which is sensible. I target shoot myself and so does my wife :p
We have them in New England now too. I’m not sure if they damage crops in our area, but they all try to get through our (quite necessary) mosquito screens in the fall. Somehow a few seem to squeeze under and then we find them in our curtains.