Linux reaches new high 3.82%
Linux reaches new high 3.82%
This graph shows the market share of desktop operating systems worldwide based on over 5 billion monthly page views.
Linux reaches new high 3.82%
This graph shows the market share of desktop operating systems worldwide based on over 5 billion monthly page views.
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Remember to include the android distro
I wouldn't call that "desktop" Linux.
Chrome OS 2.42%
This one good enough to include?
Is the chrome OS not full-fledged? I used it once ten years ago. Seemed fine.
It’s a linux distro that relies on a proprietary JavaScript/web user space
I would only count the ones that aren't locked down and you can get into the Linux kernel and root user.
That said the low specced laptops might as well be large size mobile phones.
I mean it's a locked down gento system that now allows you to install popular open source software, and it's linux-y enough to get businesses to be less linux-hostile in their software and webapps