This seems like they are trying the political version of the trope where the "ugly duckling nerd" come back to school after summer with a new haircut and contacts and is suddenly "hot".
Do they really think the people on this country are that stupid? Polliviere is still the same cretin he was before.
Remember when they had Stockwell Day arrive at a press conference in a seadoo?
These guys do everything under the sun other than try to meaningfully help people or be accepting of different cultures / ideas / sexuality ... and instead try to pretend to be hip and new.
Whenever they try ... they just come off looking like idiots.
Agreed, it sucks to sit here and see every party doing easy things that makes them look good rather than tackling the real problems under their jurisdictions. It extends far past the topics you mentioned, including inflation, housing prices, healthcare, infrastructure, etc.
I'm beginning to think that the Conservatives drank their own kool-aid and actually believe Trudeau only won due to his hair.