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New to lemmy, anything I should know?


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  • First things first, have you watched Star Trek and which Linux distro do you run?

      1. No is it good? 2. I’m still stuck on MacOS :( might try asahi Linux if I have some time though.
        1. If it annoys you, you can filter it out by keywords. I use this to block anything "Musk" for instance.

        2. Asahi is GREAT and the install process a breeze ; Coming ftom macos I suggest you select Fedora-Gnome rather than the default KDE desktop.

        3. For your carriage return to work, you need to leave a full blank line between your chapters.

        • I have actually tried fedora in a VM! Just don’t have enough space… it would be my go-to distro though.

        1. A lot of Star Trek is quite good. If you watch TNG, start from season 2.

        2. Several distros work absolutely fantastic on older Intel-based Macs; Mint has a knack for breathing new life into old hardware. Can't speak from experience about the ARM-based Macs.

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