OF COURSE we prioritize life over work. Normal people always have. That doesn't mean we don't work. What is life without work? Amusing ourselves to death?
It's the imbalance that's always been the problem. People want to work, but many have to work to survive. So every day is a struggle for survival. It's no wonder we're seeing a rise in anxiety disorders, depression, suicide, and general health decline across the board. Some day every late stage capitalist society will normalize the kind of work culture we see in China, South Korea, and Japan, where people are worked to death and have no time for themselves. No time and no safety net for starting families. And paid just enough to get by, not to thrive.
I'm with the younger generations here. I'd rather amuse myself to death than work myself to death.
"You better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone
For the times, they are a-changin'"
Everybody, everybody has to work to survive, from aboriginal people, to the most developed country, to the most socialized country in the world. It has always been thus, and that does not explain rising anxiety, depression, suicide, or health decline.
Abuses of workers and exploitive attempts to move toward a serfdom where no worker owns anything have existed as long as humans have been selfish. It's not the result of a political system.
The French in the 1700s didn't lay down and amuse themselves when exploited. Neither did the American colonies. Neither did Russia. Neither did China. It might be time to stop dropping out, give up on comfort, and start the hard work of getting shit fixed.
Hey everybody, you're anxious and depressed because you know you have to do something about it and you don't want to. Maybe you even know you're going to let it happen.
But seriously, what's supposed to change? It's there going to be a friendly helpful Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos or even Elon Musk? Honest public-minded politicians?
Look at Germany right now. HUGE protests.
You aren't powerless. You just aren't doing anything.