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Shutout to all the white people on the site. All the hate your have received is being countered in exact equal opposite by the mass of love I'm sending you via these words and DMs once I work up the..

... courage and time to do so.

Thanks for being a communist. putin-wink

Sending you all Valentines in 2 weeks.


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  • One of Paulo Friere's theses is that to the oppressor, moves toward equality feel like oppression.

    While it is always good to be ruthlessly critical of everything, rather than just merely being "white people making it about them," or self-hating whiteness (a reactionary trope in virtually every other context) or even just toxic and cringe, when you have a large group of whites saying, "yes I deserve it, violently oppress me based on my skin color," assuming it isn't some awful kink, it really could be an authentic way for white people to say that we truly desire equality.

    • I would 99% agree but a tiny little retort about how liberals kinda' use this to just degrade white working class living standards down rather than raise everyone else up. More specifically thinking about referring to not being (frequently) carded and searched and assaulted and murdered by police as a "privilege".

      • I agree 100%, and I make this little dialectical formulation wrt the specific circumstance of white HBs posting about how they should be genocided.

        But yeah when workers are united, race is used to divide them, and once they're divided by race whites get exploited well beyond what anyone would consider privilege. Using the privilege formulation, I used to think about privilege being something thrust upon whites, where privilege becomes a sort of "not-oppressed" status. But I've become aware of WEB DuBois's formulation of a "white wage" that is paid to white workers, and while I haven't yet read Black Reconstruction I have begun to think of it in those terms.

        Take my statement above as something more like optimism than hard critique last-bit-of-hope

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