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Farfour is no longer needed because if Gazan kids need a reason to Hate the zionist entity they just have to look outside their refugee tent


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  • What is the bottom image supposed to mean? That’s a WW2 skit of Donald having a nightmare of living in Nazi Germany that gets more surreal as it goes.

    Are you saying that being “conditioned” to hate Nazi Germany is bad?

    • I saw it as equating an anti-"Israel" show with an anti-Nazi Germany show, which is a fair comparison.

    • Are you saying that being “conditioned” to hate Nazi Germany is bad?

      No, my point was that they are not mad about indoctrinating kids about war through children cartoons, they're just at Palestinian resistance doing it who they see as a "terrorist group".

      The other two pics down are an animaniacs scene that had "evil dictator Sodarn Insane" and the fucking Transformers thing where they attacked Iran.

      Also, you know me and you know I'm not a nazi or a nazi sympathizer don't do that shit with words

      • I never twisted your words, or called you a nazi sympathizer. I also never said that Palestine is wrong for doing what you're talking about.

        The only think I was confused about was the inclusion of the Donald Duck skit, as when I first saw the post I interpreted the message as "if propaganda towards children bad, then why does America do it?" However the inclusion of a anti-nazi WW2 animation seemed out of place and strange, because it can be argued that it is a good piece of propaganda for a good goal, unlike the deranged reactionary messages in the other content.

        The choice seemed out of place among the reactionary content you chose for the other examples. I never said they were correct.

        Why are you so aggressive and jumpy?

        • They are not the ones scanning as aggressive and jumpy in this interaction

          • They immediately accused me of twisting their words to call them a Nazi sympathizer.

            How am I supposed to react?

            • You could have inquired more neutrally before jumping the gun and implying a comrade was being a nazi sympathizer in your very first comment

              • Where did I say that they were being a Nazi sympathizer? I asked if they considered propaganda against Germans targeted to children to be in the same category as reactionary anti-communist propaganda.

    • Yeah kinda mixing the message - I'd take the opposite conclusion from the Donald Duck cartoon

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