Anon watches youtube in 2024
Anon watches youtube in 2024
Anon watches youtube in 2024
I use the Brave browser and as of today, it still defeats youtube ads.
That’s gonna be a hard no on using a prominent bigot’s product.
Man, I don't know or care who makes free software that works. I also just looked up what you're talking bout, and it's nothing, just a bunch of bullshit wildly exaggerated from 2013.
You do you, man. I try to live my values.
You should really read up on what you just claimed, and it's not like I'm financially supporting them anyways.
dO yOUr OwN rEsEaRcH
Making fallacious claims and not backing them up, so yeah, do your own fucking research. I did, because i was curious wtf you were talking about.