Anon watches youtube in 2024
Anon watches youtube in 2024
Anon watches youtube in 2024
As ProZD just pointed out, never use the home screen, just go straight to your Subscriptions feed. It helps the people you subscribed to and you get more videos.
If you disable your watch history the home screen is empty anyways
So do people who disable their watch history also just not have any subscriptions because just makes YouTube useless unless you already know the link.
I have lots of subscriptions and disable my search history. I sub to things I want updates for, and search for stuff I don't. Simple and effective.
Right so why disable watch history? It's obviously not a privacy thing because YouTube already know what kind of content you look for because they can see your subscriptions it just seems to be ineffectively making your life more difficult and not really increasing privacy
So I get no value from it, and it is extra tracking, so I disable it.
YouTube used to still recommend you (slightly less relevant) stuff with watch history off.
How do you get more Subscriptions if you don't randomly browse YT for new content? Sometimes a youtuber will mention another channel, like Adam Savage giving a shout out to Bobby Fingers, but that's rare. And when I went to Bobby Fingers he had like only 4 videos.
It still suggests vids for you after you finish one, or in the side bar.