What are the best movies in the 1990-2010 time period that you can reccomend ?
As the movies communities are either dead or seems to be enjoying down voting these kinda wuestions to hell and this question is well in the limits with this community .
Recommend movies that have a very good plot with no plotholes (this is very important for me as a movie watcher) , doesn't feel too dated ,has solid 3 dimensional character and arc , good direction and good acting ?
Some of mine are
Donnie darko
American psycho
Fight club
The prestige
Panic room
Taxi driver
So share your favourites and please no comedy,romance or jumpscare horrors. You can use my list to kinda get an idea of the specific type of movies i am asking for here . And also if you can give a short spoiler free TLDR and attach a trailer that would ve appreciated . Thanks in advance.
MOON was fantastic. One man with a robot is waiting for his replacement after a long stint monitoring a moon base alone. He's been building a scale model of his hometown to pass the time. But as his replacement starts to become overdue, a problem at an outlying station causes him to leave the station... and come back to a scene he do didn't expect.
Sci-fi psych thriller, only two actors. Very dark.