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General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 8

Welcome again everybody, from your favorite matrix server overlord friendly matrix server admin! Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread.

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  • I'm starting to feel a bit burned out I think. Haven't had a proper day off since July apart from the odd holiday. I'm starting to feel annoyed by people lol. I take public transport to work and I'm just instantly mad at everyone around me for making noise, being rude, whatever. At work I get confronted with poverty every day and it's getting harder on my mental wellbeing I feel. I'm annoyed by things the party is doing and in the evenings I don't have the energy to do anything.

    Currently sitting on the train next to two girls being loud and annoying and I have to stop myself from yelling like a Karen I feel.

    Also, I have been taking cold showers for like a year now and usually they are fine with a small mental step to take every morning, but the last two days I spend 5 minutes staring at my shower being unable to get into the cold water. I took a warm shower instead. Couldn't get myself to do it due to stress.

    I have a day off this week so maybe it helps.

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