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Now that smaller instances are disappearing, which instances do you think will stand the test of time?

I had an account on and now the instance has been down for a day or two so I made this new account. I also heard other small instances are dead or disappeared.

So which ones do you think will actually stick around for a long time?

ALSO, does anyone know how to get my subscriptions from and import it here? TIA!


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  • I have hosted a lot of my own services for a couple of years and plan to continue hosting my instance( indefinitely, unless something very major happens.

    As others have mentioned I think multiple admins and backups(hard to verify though) are a good sign, but its only indications and you can't really be sure, if a instance will be there forever. I think there needs to be an easy way to migrate accounts and then the instances going down hopefully gives a notice, so you can move your account.

    Gonna be difficult to recover accounts from instance going down without a notice I think. You could regularly take a backup of your account, but that is tedious and you will still lose some data.

    • Can you upload your comment history to a new instance? Does that question even make sense? I’m not sure what backing up means, I guess. Just an archive?

      • There are tools that can backup and migrate communities, blocks and settings like lasim for a user. So you can migrate between instances.

        As far as I know, there aren't any tools that can migrate comment history and I think anything that could do that, would need to be backed into lemmy itself(Which it isn't currently).

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